New Scam Targets Army Soldiers

New Scam Targets Army Soldiers

Did you know that almost half of Americans experience some form of financial identity theft every year? Scams are incredibly common, and some of them can be very hard to spot. One of the newest scams targets Army soldiers using peer-to-peer money transfer apps. Knowing about the latest scam techniques can help you avoid becoming a victim of them. Learn about the scam currently targeting […]

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Navy Sailor Under Investigation for Arson

Navy Sailor Under Investigation for Arson

A recent fire on the Bonhomme Richard, docked in San Diego may be the result of arson by a navy sailor. The Bonhomme Richard is a smaller amphibious assault vessel, designed to carry thousands of Marines, helicopters, and vertical-takeoff jets. It can also double as a small Naval aircraft carrier. The vessel had been docked in San Diego undergoing an extensive upgrade which was near […]

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Military Car Accident Statistics

Military Car Accident Statistics

Driving a car comes with enormous responsibilities we don’t often think about every time we hit the road. There’s a mutual understanding with the state and other drivers that we’ve taken certain precautions. From things like being licensed to drive in the first place to following all traffic laws. There’s also another—an implicit agreement to take care of our cars and ensure they’ve been inspected […]

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Navy Officer Demoted Following Conviction for Taking Photo Beside Dead Prisoner’s Body

Navy SEAL Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher was sentenced by a military jury to a demotion and reduction in pay following a conviction for taking a photo beside a dead prisoner’s body. The Navy SEAL was acquitted of the more serious charge of murder in the case of the death of a 17-year-old ISIS prisoner. On July 2, 2019, Navy SEAL Gallagher was acquitted of […]

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3M Earplugs Lawsuits – What You Need to Know

3M Earplugs Lawsuits – What You Need to Know

Several Army veterans have filed lawsuits against 3M, the company that provided earplugs to the military for more than a decade. The veterans, who suffer from hearing disabilities, believe that the company knowingly sold defective safety equipment to the Army. Now they’re demanding compensation for the pain, suffering, and injuries they’re forced to deal with for the rest of their lives. Veterans of Afghanistan and […]

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Pentagon Embraces New Policy to Punish Cyberbullying

Pentagon Embraces New Policy to Punish Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying isn’t explicitly prohibited in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). However, this hasn’t stopped one branch of the military from taking a firm stance in opposition to this type of behavior. As for as the Marine Corps is concerned, cyberbullying is a violation of military law and policy. Leaders within the branch have made it clear that servicemembers who use social media to […]

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Military Psychologist Accused of Sexually Assaulting Female PTSD Patients

Military Psychologist Accused of Sexually Assaulting Female PTSD Patients

Sexual assault is becoming increasingly problematic in the military. According to the Pentagon, the number of sexual assault reports has increased by 10 percent in the last year, while the number of sexual harassment complaints has also increased by 16 percent. Victims of sexual assault are often referred to mental health professionals and counselors for help overcoming their traumatic experiences. Unfortunately, it appears as if […]

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Manning Submits Partial Plea and Forum Selection

Manning Submits Partial Plea and Forum Selection

PFC Manning has offered to submit a partial plea in the WikiLeaks case. Specifically, Manning has offered to move forward in the case by pleading guilty by exceptions and substitutions. In the plea, Manning would admit guilt to some of the crimes he is charged with committing. The government is not required to accept the plea. Instead, the Court will determine whether this type of […]

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Forcing Manning to Strip Naked is Punitive, Not Protective

Forcing Manning to Strip Naked is Punitive, Not Protective

For the past three nights, the officers guarding PFC Manning have ordered him to strip and sleep naked. They take his clothing from him and force him to sleep in his cold jail cell without cover. In the morning, he is required to stand naked at attention for the morning roll call. All signs indicate that they will continue this humiliating practice for the duration […]

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